Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Women Must Be Strong And Stand Up For Our Rights

This is a direct response to a friend's Facebook posting stating that abortion is the same as infanticide.

Abortion is NOT the same as infanticide. Legally, or otherwise. If you don't understand the difference, here are definitions for you.

Of course, I am an Atheist, don't believe in the existence of God, but for sake of this discussion, I will refer to God.

It's impossible to give an accurate estimate of the number of women who have spontaneous abortions/miscarriages, because many women don't realize they are pregnant, or if they are aware (such as by using an early pregnancy test) and then have a miscarriage before seeing a doctor, it's not recorded or included in statistics, but it is estimated that 1 in 4 women will have a miscarriage at some point. Personally, I think that is a low estimate, and I have read that most women will have a miscarriage at some point in her life, whether she realizes it or not.

So, if you believe in God, and if you are against abortion for religious reasons,and God causes 25% of women to have spontaneous abortions, short and simple, you are a hypocrite.

In short:
If God causes an abortion, it's OK, because God did it, but if a woman chooses to have an abortion, it's not OK, because a woman did it???

I find it ridiculous that you draw the line between what a woman chooses to do with her own body and what it's acceptable for God to do. Just because you believe in a book written thousands of years ago, before humans even knew what science was.

As a species we know better now, we understand science, but still, the religious zealots can't see the truth.

Allowing a woman to have the right to her own body is a basic human right, but religion, especially in America, land of the free, wants to take away a woman's right to her body. As I've said many times, if it were men who carried pregnancies, there would be no discussion. Men would do as they pleased and damn anyone who stood in his way. Women, think about that. They want to take away OUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, but they would not allow their own rights to be taken away. Why would you allow anyone to take away your right to your own body?

It doesn't matter how you feel about abortion, whether you are pro-choice or pro-pregnancy (it's not really pro-life, it's pro-pregnancy). What you choose is your choice to make. If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. But please don't try to force others to believe that your choices are the the only right ones. That is arrogant and hypocritical... and tyrannical.

If we allow them to take away the right to our own bodies, that is just the beginning. They will try to take away more of our rights, and more, until we are slaves to those who are trying to control us.



Miscarriage means loss of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.

Miscarriages are very common. Approximately 20% of pregnancies (one in five) end in miscarriage. The most common cause is a genetic abnormality of the fetus. Not all women realize that they are miscarrying and others may not seek medical care when it occurs.
in·fan·ti·cide (n-fnt-sd)
1. The act of killing an infant.
2. The practice of killing newborns.
abortion /abor·tion/ (ah-bor´shun)
1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.